Monday, February 25, 2013

You win this time, Pinterest!

Pinterest has ruined me. I say this for a lot of reasons, one of them being the false confidence it has given me in my crafting abilities. Even the most complicated of projects looks so sleek and simple on Pinterest. Want to build an entire furniture set out of nothing but old pizza boxes? Look at these three simple pictures showing you how to do it! It looks so easy and so fun but I've learned the hard way that those pictures are very often a lie!

Recently I let Pinterest, once again, get the best of me and decided to experiment. I wanted to practice cutting a bottle. As usual, the pin made it look easy so I gathered all my supplies and got to work, before I lost the nerve.

Despite one failed attempt, it worked out pretty well and was actually fairly easy!  For those of you who haven't already seen this online, let me walk you through it. You'll need the following supplies: a bottle (for some reason it always says wine bottles but any will do, glass is glass), cotton twine, nail polish remover, a lighter/match and ice water. Wrap your twine around the bottle three of four times at the point you'd like it to break.
Once you measure out the string, slide that stuff off and soak it in nail polish remover. (Of course I decide to experiment with nail polish remover on the rare occasion my nails are actually painted.) Soak the string for a while, 10-20 seconds is good. Re-wrap the string on the bottle and light that baby on fire! Spin the bottle around while the string is burning. Once the flame goes out dip the bottle in ice water and POP! Off it goes.
Easy peasy! For once.

It's a clean break but it's still sharp so be careful. I didn't think this project entirely through because I was doubting Pinterest and figured I'd just end up getting frustrated and throwing the bottle away. When it actually worked I wasn't sure what to do with my finished product. Then I remembered another pin I had seen...

 I introduced that bottle to some glitter and Mod Podge. If you don't know, you can put Mod Podge on as a top layer over the glitter to keep it from falling off and getting on everything you own/touch. Here's a below average picture of the finished product:
Not too shabby.

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