Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A note for all the out of shapers

Occasionally I think to myself "I should really start working out." That thought is most often followed by the most exercise I'm likely to get: walking from my room to the kitchen. It's sad, I know. Well, I finally broke the cycle and started "exercising." I figured there had to be others out there in similar circumstances and so I'm going to give you my non expert work out advice. *If anyone that is actually knowledgeable about this type of stuff reads this, please let me know if I'm doing something that is actually going to end up causing injury.

I think I can officially say that I do not like gyms. Maybe I'm just paranoid but it's embarrassing (to say the least) when I start struggling to breathe after less than a minute of a work out and see other people stylishly sweating and breathing like it's no problem! No thank you. I'd rather keep that to the confines of my room. The perk to at-home work outs is that you can get creative with what you use for weights. I've done reps with bottles of vinegar, irons, shoes...one day I hope to be able to weight lift my sewing machine! That thing it pretty heavy. It may seem weird at first but it gives you something to laugh at which makes for a more fun work out.

I've started working out, if you can call it that, every other day. On the days that I don't do this I have a solid stretch session (out of necessity). First thing's first, I open up my Pandora and pump my 90s hits station. Say what you will about this music choice; the songs have a consistent beat and don't give me anxiety. I also start a stopwatch. I do a full minute of the following: high knees, jumping jacks, front kicks, more jumping jacks, combo of high knees and front kicks (alternating in counts of 8). This is followed by a mix of crunches. I don't time these, just go with the entirety of whatever song is on and change directions when I feel like I'm going to die in the first position. This is followed by what I thought was called a butterfly but, after an extensive youtube search, I don't think that is a real thing. Anyway, you lay down and criss cross your legs and raise them up and down at the same time. About the time I feel like my head is going to explode, I switch to leg raises (that might not be a real name either). Basically you raise and hold your legs at three points in the air, 90 degree angle, 45 degrees and just above the ground.

This is when the real humiliation starts. I roll over and do four reps of five of the closest thing to a push-up I can muster.

Then my arms get a beating. I do 30 seconds of the following: small circles forward, small circles backward, pulses forward, backward, upward and down. This is followed by a full song of brazeo and floreo (hand and arm circles) which kills my forearms. If you don't know Flamenco-y things, I don't know what to tell you. The end is a one minute plank. Every time I do these I think, "oh, this is no problem!" Then I push forward onto my toes like I'm supposed to, much different.

So there you go, my fellow lazies. If that doesn't get you going, maybe this will:


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